The development history of mobile communications and networks in the past thirty years is a history of pursuit of extending human senses. The emergence of portable phones in the late 1980s broke the geographical barriers of the "landline" system, making it possible for people to demand voice communication anytime and anywhere. In the past decade, the vigorous development ...
Three-dimensional flexible tactile sensing array design and data acquisition software and hardware implementationRobot grasping strategy for visual and tactile fusion under different grasping modes
Through the standard gait of the human body, corresponding action data is generated for VR simulation and training. It is finally applied to QoE-driven balance enhancement of lower limb exoskeleton robots.
Multi-modal visual and tactile communication technology for 5G/6G is a communication technology involving multiple senses such as image, sound, and touch. Under this technology, through wireless communication networks, the recipient of the information can not only see and hear the information, but can even perceive physical properties, such as texture, shape, vibration,...